Threats and Securities | Animation Launch Webinar
Tue, 08 Jun
Bad apples, stressed apples or learning apples? Translating work psychological science on how employee-based threats arise. Launching the EAWOP Impact Incubator with an animation, four short talks and a practitioners panel unpacking the WOP science behind this product.

Time & Location
08 Jun 2021, 09:00 – 11:45 BST
About the Event
Join us in this webinar to launch the latest EAWOP Impact incubator product – an animation translating work and organisational psychological science concerning how employee-based threats arise in organisations.
This event includes the first screening of our new animation, followed by four short talks featuring the researchers whose work has been drawn on in its creation:
- Prof Deanne Den Hartog – University of Amsterdam – will outline some of her recent work that considers how to identify “bad apples” employees and their impacts for organisations.
- Prof Rosalind Searle – University of Glasgow – will explore the science behind social learning, drawing from studies of how corrupting influences can spread between employees in organisations.
- Dr Roberta Fida – University of East Anglia – will discuss their research on stress and the ways that this can expose service users and organisations to heightened organisational risks.
- Dr Michael Knoll – University of Leipzig – will focus on the role of those who notice threats and wrongdoings at work and elaborate on reasons why employees withhold their views, namely, organizational silence.
Following these a practitioner panel will consider how work and organisational psychological science has informed their perspectives with inputs from human resources, regulation, security and fraud detection, and study of organised crime.
9.00-9.10 EAWOP president – Prof. F. Anseel
Short talks:
9.15 Bad apples – Prof Deanne Den Hartog – University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
9.35 Learning apples – Prof Rosalind Searle – University of Glasgow and EAWOP- Impact Incubator Director
9.55 Stressed apples – Dr Roberta Fida – University of East Anglia, UK
10.15 Voice and silence – Dr Michael Knoll – University of Leipzig, Germany
10.35 – 10.55 Q&A
10.55 – 11.30 Practitioner panel:
- Ben Willmott, Head of Policy, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) – UK
- Douglas Bilton, Assistant Director of Standards and Policy, Professional Standards Authority – Regulator
- Iain MacMillan, Counterfraud Unit (NHS National Services Scotland)
- Dr Marella Caramazza, Director of ISTUD and researcher on organised crime
- Chris Warburton, Health and safety research officer for the trade union Prospect